Even though he had studied only until Class V, during his three years in jail, Dokhuma graduated to writing his own stories. James Dokhuma had written over thirty (30) books which includes poetry, short stories, dramas, novels, autobiographies, histories, essays and travelogues. He had published a book on Mizo idioms and phrases, an effort that led the government of Mizoram to bestow him with the title ‘‘Father of Mizo Lexicography’’ in 1971. He received the Padma Shri award in 1985 from President Zail Singh.
Apart from Padma Shri, Dokhuma had been honoured with various awards such as the Bhasha Samman, Academy Awards and Mizo Academy Awards for Best Writers of the Year.
James Dokhuma was born on June 15, 1932 in Sialsuk. His father's name was Scrangchechina and Mother's name was Katkungi.
‘‘My message to people who belong to underground movements like the ULFA and the Naxalite movement is that they should bid farewell to arms and merge with the national mainstream, instead of fighting alone,’’ said Dokhuma before his death in 2007.
Few of James Dokhuma's books-
1. Khawhar In, Aizawl, 1990 (House of Mourning)
2. Hmanlai Mizo Kalphung, Aizawl, 1992 (Mizo History)
3. An Va Hlu Em: Thilnung Tinreng, Aizawl, 1995 (How Precious They Are)
4. Thla Hleinga Zan, Aizawl, 1999 (Full Moon)
5. Ka Thilnung Tinreng, Aizawl, 1996 (My Poems)